Portuguese Style Egg Tart - 85 °C Bakery Cafe


The Portuguese style egg tart was one of my favorite afternoon tea snacks when I was a kid, it's still one of my favorites now that I'm an adult. Growing up, I had this kind of egg tart at least twice a week.  Wherever in the world I am, I always look for this kind of egg tart.  I can eat a few in one setting, with a nice cup of coffee. This is a buttery egg tart and the egg custard is very rich in cream, which is the reason I like it.  I think this is one of the best selling items at this bakery. Sometimes they were just sold out when I was trying to get some.  So I grab a dozen of them whenever I see them.  They are made fresh everyday and they always smell so good, warm or cold. They taste heavenly when they are fresh  and warm at the bakery. But they keep quite well in the fridge for 2-3 days, and they taste as good as fresh after being warmed up in a toaster oven.  This is why I always buy a dozen when I see them. 

I've tried another Portuguese cafe that sells this style of egg tart, but it wasn't as good and I didn't care for it.  This place has the best Portuguese style egg tart that I had tried in Los Angeles, so far...


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